Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Blues

As Joshua and I drove up to Atlanta for my birthday hoopla last weekend, Joshua made a "good and bad" observation about me ...that I get restless with things after a few months and am always wanting to move on to something new and different. How true. The good part about this characteristic? It fits perfectly with the Army life. I always look forward to moving to a new place, meeting new people and seeing new things, which is good, since we move every year or 3 for the past 5, and have another coming up this summer. The bad? I have a hard time being consistent with gym or workout rountines and it is especially annoying with jobs. It is interesting for the first few months, then the monotony reeeeeaaaally gets to me and I have a hard time staying motivated. I like my current job for the most part, and the money helps. I've never really thought about WHY I get like this with work and things I'll do for a few months, but thanks to my dear husband who knows me so well, his observation has helped me at least recognize why I get that way.

So, what's the point of making new year's resolutions? I never keep them. Not all of them, at least, more than a few months. And considering that I'm in my gym rut, thanks in part to the bitterly cold weather that's swept through the past few weeks, and my almost-overwhelming workload, I'm in a bit of a slump all around. However, once it does warm up past the point of freezing, I would like to get back to running in the park after work and doing yoga because I want to feel in great shape for our trip to New York City/NJ in March. I'm counting on the fact that I'll snap out of it shortly...after all, I have to look my best in my cute new BCBG dress for a night out on the town with my hubby in NYC! ;)