It will be a week tomorrow since Josh left, and I am very thankful things have gone as well as they have since he left. He is still traveling to his final destination, so it's been interesting to hear about the different places he's been, what the Afghan people are like, and see some of the amazing mountain scenery in his pictures. I had no idea Afghanistan was so close to Nepal/India. I'm not so much for the geography ;)
Josh's photos while at Bagram AFB |
We've had good communication thus far, mostly through Facebook chat. He's been able to access internet every place he's been, thankfully, but I hate that soldiers have to pay for internet. I know it's a "luxury" service that's provided for the troops if they can get it, but I really wish it was something they didn't have to shell out for, as it's the best/easiest way for them to communciate with their families. In my opinion. ;) So I'll just be thankful it is available to them.
I know he's anxious to get where he's going and settle into his own space. I am not so much excited about that as then it's game time and we'll be in this for real. I just pray the Afghan Army soldiers he works with are decent people and they get along fairly well and can respect each other, and that they're safe when they go out on patrols and so forth.
Praise the Lord, Waverly and I have been kept very busy with all our packing and errands we've had to do before our move. We've also gotten to spend some time with new friends. I'm very thankful for connections that are made through the Army - especially when they're also LIBERTY connections! Those are extra special. So Waverly got to meet a little girl who is only a week younger than her, and it was so fun to watch them play together and for me to make a wonderful new friend too. We have now got to get W a ball pit ;)
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Waverly and her new friend Onnolee |
Praise the Lord x 2, because my parents come tomorrow, and Mark comes Wednesday. Waverly and Tokie are very excited for this. Although we've been kept busy, I know I couldn't do this by myself for much longer. Waverly has been awesome, but it sure is hard to be the sole caregiver for an extended period of time, especially with no family around. Just to have an extra set of hands (or two or three) will be so wonderful! And maybe I can even schedule that hair appointment....
Helping get the guest bed ready |
Ready for her own bed |
Sidenote: Tennessee seems to disagree with both Waverly and I. I'm on Zyrtec - NEVER before had any issues with allergies and I got these horrible colds/sinus infections month after month once we moved here. Waverly has also been put on it and has some eczema; I feel lately she has just been scratching and itching at everything on her head - rubbing her eyes and her chin, scratching her head, her ears, her face...her little eyelids (above and below) are all red and I just want to get her out of here and see if the drier, less pollen-y California air helps her.
So that's our first week down...please keep Josh in your prayers. :)