Tuesday, May 8, 2012

times they are a changin...

Well, it's about that time again. Josh leaves in a little over 2 weeks for Afghanistan. This will be his third deployment, the first to that region. It'll definitely be a different experience for him - he's been areas of Baghdad for the first two deployments so this will be a bit more remote. It will also be a different experience for me - I had work to keep me busy previously, but now I have a munchkin! We've decided Waverly and I are going to move out to California to live with my parents for the majority of the deployment. It will give us a chance to spend some quality time with family as well as save some moolah....oh, and did I mention get out of our lease and AWAY from our very annoying neighbors? Even though I know us moving out there means Josh has left, I am really excited about the chance to spend a good chunk of time in Temecula and with my family. So, we are taking the good with the bad.

I'm going to think about the positives instead of dwelling on the fact that our little family will be separated for 6-9 months (so thankful it's not scheduled to be longer). Here's some of the things I can't wait to do once we get out to Cali:

~Saturday mornings at the Farmer's Market, Starbucks in hand.
~Enjoying my parents' pool and seeing Waverly become a little water bug
~Being housekeeper for my mom and letting her enjoy her weekends
~Using my family as guinea pigs for all my new Pinterest recipe experiments
~Focusing on my fitness again...there's a nice YMCA in Temecula
~Enjoying all the fun things to do in the area (SD Zoo, Sea World, Disney, snow in the mountains,   shopping with Grammie....;)
~Having a few extra hands around just in case I start to pull out my hair or come down with a mommy-duty-threatening illness
~Spending more than just 3-4 days at a time with my family

There's probably more but dinner's almost ready and Waverly needs her sweet potatoes.

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